Pork butt roast and taco or burrito seasoning are a combination to die for! This recipe originally came from my Aunt Pennie. I've tweaked it to our liking...
Layers of sauce and tortillas mingle with a seasoned chicken and black bean mixture. This is a delicious and easy recipe best served with a side of Spanish...
Crispy bean and cheese burritos are guaranteed to be family approved, and perfect for an easy weeknight meal. They include seasoned refried beans and fresh...
I always order flautas at restaurants but have yet to see a recipe anywhere that makes them the way I like them - crispy. Instead of baking them, this...
This spicy, marinated broiled chicken dish is the same as that of a well-known restaurant chain's Tequila Lime Chicken. Enjoy! Serve with rice and pico...
This is New Mexico's traditional cookie. A great thick sugar cookie that is dusted with cinnamon-sugar. The traditional shape is fleur-de-lis, but use...
An easy and expandable burrito base. Add bacon, avocado, pico de gallo, or whatever you wish. Sprinkle each burrito with Cheddar and Monterey Jack cheeses,...
This delicious recipe is prepared by using adobo seasoned grilled boneless chicken thighs, layering tortillas with a combination of the chicken, cheese,...
An unusual combination of ingredients. Yummy! Serve over rice. You can put rice into the pot to cook with everything else, but add 2 cups chicken broth...
I am not generally a fan of chimichangas at restaurants, but this had me going back for seconds. It is easy to prepare the meat ahead of time and then...
This is one of the more famous sandwiches straight out of the island of Cuba. This recipe came from my uncle who used to work at a restaurant in Pinar...
This tastes very close to the taco seasoning favored by a very popular fast-food taco restaurant. You can make this at home, and let your family prepare...
I've begun making my enchiladas casserole style, which saves a lot time, not to mention burned fingers. :) However, everyone still raves over my enchiladas,...
This is a recipe I came up with 20 years ago that has recently won me the grand prize in our paper's holiday recipe contest. It is my family's favorite...
This is a Peruvian rice and chicken dish made with cilantro and a special Peruvian kick. It's very delicious, my Peruvian father-in-law said that mine...
Very easy, yet very good wet burritos. I got this recipe from a friend, and everyone I serve them to asks for the recipe. Serve with guacamole, sour cream...
This is a great dessert. You may substitute commercial caramel ice cream topping for the dulce de leche for a quicker preparation, but the homemade dulce...
This is an amazing shredded pork recipe similar to what you would eat in a rice bowl (or in an enchilada) at a Mexican restaurant. It is easy to prepare...
A simple meal to whip up in less than an hour that even the kids are sure to love. Layers of seasoned ground beef, corn, tortilla chips and cheese are...
Black beans and rice are the logical accompaniment to this hearty pork roast. A salad of orange slices, red onion and arugula dressed with a tangy cilantro...
These are beef filled tortilla shells baked in a creamy chicken soup and cheese sauce. My husband absolutely loves these. I served them to guests once...
Just what the grandkids ordered. Tater tots, Mexican food, and cheese! This is one of those meals that you can throw together with ingredients you would...
I came up with this recipe when I couldn't find good directions for grilled fish tacos. I liked the chipotle-lime combination in a dip I once tried so...
I created this so it's not too spicy, but is packed with flavor. My kids loved it! For variety, add corn or other vegetables or switch to other chopped...
After spending many years living in the Dominican Republic, nothing takes me back more than making a big batch of pollo guisado, the most tender, flavorful...
I received this wonderful recipe of beef, olives, and sweet peppers from my son's Cuban grandmother. We serve it over black beans and rice with fried plantain...
Now for something completely different, how about a little Caribbean/Creole feel? This can be done with fish or with scallops and will wake up the little...